Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Candidate Discussion

Feel free to talk about the different candidates in this space


Anonymous said...

Drew Mitchell for change!
Is he the joke candidate?
Drew Mitchell has not realized any of the MSU finances all year. He has not done the mid-year budget review. He opposed having the long buses. He opposed having bus service to Ancaster on the weekend.
Now he is talking about how bus service sucks!
It is like a bank robber coming back to the bank and complaining there is no money left for a withdrawl!
Drew Mitchell has not even been a student for a year.
Hey Drew, have an idea for change; how about an MSU President who is actually a student and who actually cares about students!
Oh yeah, why is it that Quarters has lost over $300,000 during your watch?

Anonymous said...

revealed any of the finances I mean?

Anonymous said...

Drew Mitchell will go to your home and tell your neighbours to leave you alone.

Anonymous said...

he will come to your class and hold your hand while walking you to the football games

he will dress you up like Kramer and perform Seinfeld with you

he will stop buses, find you a seat and wipe it for you

He will freeze Chuck Norris like he will freeze tuition

Action said...

I find it puzzling too that Drew showed no interest in the HSR bus problem when it was brought to the SRA by Joey Coleman, and now apparently he shows an interest.

Quarters to me is the biggest issue facing the MSU president because it is the only issue that they can change. I have heard wide spread allegations of bouncer corrpution (accepting bribes to get in, therfore increasing wait times), bartender corruption (bartenders pouring 'normal' people less than a regular shot, then giving the difference to friends), managers taking cases of booze home for themselves and the biggest allegation, the MSU executive 'purchasing' large quantities of alcohol and never paying the bill.

I personally witnessed Drew Mitchell and John Popham cut, no push, their way through the 'line by-pass' line to get into Quarters. This is the 'leadership' we want?

Anonymous said...

Drew Mitchell is a joke candidate. I mean look at his entourage and posters. He doesn't care, rather just wants the position for leadership and power sake. He has not been able to do the budget correctly or in a timely fashion. He has also approve spending $50,000 for Bark Lake.

I, personally, would like to see Ryan Moran win. He is the likely candidate to win. His plateform is realistic and shows lots of promise. Although he has not hold a General Assembly and only done the bare minimums as VP Admin, he is definitely better than John Popham was in that position. Another great candidate was Tyler Andrews.