Sunday, February 4, 2007

What questions do you have for the final debate?

The final debate is tomorrow, Monday Feb 5th in the MUSC atrium from 12-3pm. This is the big one supposedly, hopefully some students come out.


Action said...

There is the impression amongst many students that Quarters is a corrupt mess: large financial losses, bouncers taking bribes to let people in while the line-up grows, bouncers racially profiling students, bartenders short-pouring drinks in order to give their friends drinks for free, MSU members drinking for free and the list goes on. What will you do to investigate this and restore students faith in Quarters?

Anonymous said...

I'd like to know exactly how Tyler plans on reducing the wait times at the health center. I don't think my student fee's should be offsetting the lack of funding provided by the University.

As a student I'm a little more concerned with the westdale residents attempting to shut down quarters or filming me as I walk home on bar nights.

That's why I'm voting for Ryan as he's the only candidate that's actually addressed this in their platform

Anonymous said...

actually, that is Drew for Change that is talking about that.
Tyler is saying that we are ALREADY paying the fee for student health and it is not doing much good.

Anonymous said...

Campus Health

I can tell you that I am shocked by the situation here compared to my last University.
I attended University of Manitoba. The tuition there is lower for one.
There was no student services fee.
(We were not paying for Campus Health by our fees)
Everytime that I needed an appointment, I got it the same day! Yes, that is right; same day.
I called the number in the morning from my rez and had an appointment that day. They, like Campus Health here, billed OSAP for my visit. Unlike here, I did not pay for the visit. Here we all pay regardless of if we use it. The money we are paying (and OHIP as well) is going somewhere; the question is where.
Unlike Ryan Moran, Tyler Andrews is prepared to ask the University questions. He is willing to use Freedom of Information to get the numbers and find out where our money is going.
The only encounter that the MSU clique had with Freedom of Information this year was spending money on the MSU lawyer to fight with the University to prevent my Freedom of Information request for my own student file.
Lets be clear, I am not endorsing either candidate. Ryan Moran may or may not have had knowledge of the MSU support for University secrecy on my student file. (I filed to see if the University would actually obey the act or find a loophole)
The concern I have with Ryan is that he has been complaceant (I know that is not the correct spelling) this year.
I have cast my ballot yet so I have not decided who gets my vote.
The point is that Tyler may be onto something here.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to hear how the candidates specifically plan to institute new programs and improvements without increasing student fees.

Alternatively, I'd like to hear them sum up their campaigns in 4 words, without using the letter e.

Or, I'd like their thoughts on who would win in a fight, Superman or Thor.

Anonymous said...

Joey: "Unlike Ryan Moran, Tyler Andrews is prepared to ask the University questions. He is willing to use Freedom of Information to get the numbers and find out where our money is going."

How do you know he'll be willing/able to do that? It's hard to tell (from here) how he's any different from the status-quo.


Anonymous said...

I have sat down with Mr. Andrews as well as a few other candidates. He spoke of how effective the use of FoI can be. He understands (could be from reading my Sil columns) that FoI puts a lot of power into the hands of students, if a student union cares to challenge their University. Sadly, I see most of the MSU types being more interested in having Peter George as a reference than actually representing students. Will any of the candidates be any different? Who knows, we have dismal track records for two and nothing for the others.
I have been impressed with Badar. I would have voted for Emery if it were not for the whole playboy bunnies thing. I love his slogan "corruption you can trust", he is the most honest of the bunch.