Wednesday, February 7, 2007

And the winner is...

Brace yourselves, gentlemen. According to the polls, the
winner is...


Action said...

Love!? Who's been screwing with the polls!

Anonymous said...

According to the gas chromatograph...

Anonymous said...

you watch, there's gonna be a recount if the right person doesn't win

DB said...

Has anyone seen the MSU website?

"Election results still pending.

The elections committee has recessed and no decision on the winner of the MSU Presidential election has been made. The committee will reconvene tomorrow afternoon."

Anonymous said...

"And the winner is...

Brace yourselves, gentlemen. According to the polls, the
winner is..."

What about the ladies?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, I gather that most of the users of this website (or however you describe the applicable people) are engineers.

Some engineers are starting to doubt whether women actually exist, since they never see any women.


Anonymous said...
